Friday, January 11, 2008

Let it snow, Let it snow, and snow, and snow........

Has anyone seen the new show on ABC, Cashmere Mafia? It's pretty funny.
Tonight I am waiting for Mr. Vegas to get home. His plane lands in Idaho falls around 10:30pm. So, right now, I'm sipping some red wine, eating cheese & crackers, and watching cashmere mafia. The show kindof reminds me of Sex in the City but most of the women are already married and already have kids. These kindof shows, Brian likes to make fun of.
Not much else going on. About 15 minutes ago, the Mormans found us. I got a knock on the door and I was polite to them. I really disagree with how they have young adults go door to door to talk about thier religon but, that's how they live and I kept my cool. I have my comments about other religons or beliefs but I'm not about to yell at someone about their own beliefs. They were abviously very nice and welcomed us to the area and wished us well. They were not at all pushy. They asked if they could come back to talk to us again, and I said no. Well, not much else going on. The snow keeps on coming. Talk to you later.


Stacy said...

I saw the beginning of Cashmere Mafia the other day, but I must have got side tracked because I didn't watch the rest. I thought the same about it being like Sex and the City. I think it has the same producer.
We got snow here today, which is a shame because I wanted to get some pics developed. I have a funny pic for the blog, but I won't say what it's about yet. Have to wait. What a long comment. Maybe I should have posted to the blog instead.

Laurie said...

We got a ton of snow in Michigan too. It's perfect snowman snow. Pretty too. Cashmere Mafia has the same writers. I haven't seen it yet.