Wednesday, January 23, 2008

New post so I don't have a long comment on Laurie's

I had a lot to comment on Laurie's post so I'll just write another post. You know, I hated the snow for a long time and then we moved to Tenn. Now we don't get enough. Maybe it has to do with having kids too and playing in the snow. We have ice skates for the kids, but it has been way too cold to go out lately. Somewhat related, I bought rollerblades for everyone (and I mean everyone but baby and Fred) the other day. Target was clearancing them out and I couldn't resist. Torii got roller skates because they didn't have little rollerblades, but Fred Rion and I got rollerblades. He hasn't seen them yet, but he'll be excited. I haven't told Fred because he would probably freak. He's kind of over protective. But we have helmets and knee pads and all that crap.

Laurie, that would be really cool if could work it out and do that documentary this summer. And awesome job on getting your documentary shown in the showcase. It is kind of nerve racking to have your work out there for people to judge. Listen to the good and bad criticism and learn from it. You know we're proud of you.

I put some more stuff on my website. I should be getting some onesies tomorrow so I can play all weekend! Or those five minutes I get to myself anyway. But I should be getting to bed. I have to work tomorrow so no playing until 5:00 tomorrow.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Thanks for all the encouragement ;) I would love to see the boys rollerblading! That would be so fun!! And yes, I am really super sick.... even worse than when I was talking to mom the other day. I'm making Lesley go to the grocery store to pick a few things up for me. I also ran out of Sudafed, so I know I would be more miserable with out it. I also need chicken noodle, 7 up, and banana popsicles :)