Thursday, September 18, 2008

Funny Show!

I started to watch the CBS show The Big Bang Theory. It's pretty funny. It reminds me of spending an evening around brian's friends. Ha ha. The show is about a bunch of geeks going to college and they all room together in an apartment and a girl they know lives acorss the hall from them. Everytime she trys to talk to them, they need to explain everything in scientific form and go into a long detail and sometimes they argue about what's correct and what's not. There's one character, Sheldon, who reminds me of Brian. :-) He's the one in the group that explains everything or just about everything in more detail. Brian and I were watching the other day and I was laughing so hard because Brian kept saying, "He's got that right," or "He's totally right on that."
So ya, when Brian wants to start explaining anything in detail, I just say "Ok, Sheldon."
I think it's pretty funny and you should check it out sometime. :-) Here's a website for it and on the site it says new episodes start Monday Sept. 22nd. Oh also, the girl in the show is played by the blonde from the show "8 Simple Rules," with john Ritter.


Stacy said...

I've caught it a few times and have had some laughs. Of course now I'll look at it differently. And you know the one guy is from Roseanne? He was Darlene's boyfriend. Coincendently, the thought came across my mind while thinking about baby onesies for you, that one could say "I started with a big bang." But I don't know. A little over the line? Or way hilarious?

Kelly said...

It's a cute line. I also saw in a magazine shirts for mommy to be's that I might get. It says" I'm with genius," and an arrow pointing to the tummy. I thought that was cute and I know some brian's friends would think that's funny if they saw it.

Laurie said...

I'll have to check it out ;) Thanks Kelly :)