Sunday, September 14, 2008

Home Sick # 2

So, whatever stacy and mom had, I think they sent it through the phone! I feel aweful. It all started on Friday while I was at work and my boss wouldn't let me go home. So on Saturday I was suppose to work 7am-3pm and I called my boss at the Super 8 around 6am and told her that I'm not coming in today. She said she can't cover for me and I needed to find someone or come in. I called her back and said someone will come in for half the day and then it's up to her to cover the rest because I'm not leaving the house. She wasn't happy. But I don't care.
Today I called the Super 8 and said I can't make it in again. I'm feeling a little better but still weak and very tired. On friday and saturday, I think I had morning sickness with a cold and everytime I would cough hard (which was often) I felt like throwing up. But, like I said, my boss didn't care when I was working friday. I'm so glad to get away from this job, she's just to much to deal with. What's funny is that my last official day at the Super 8 is on Monday and I don't know if I will be in then either. We'll see.
Anyhow, Brian is taking care of me and last night he made a nice spicy chilli that soothed my throat and it tasted so good! Brian wants me to try to get outside today to get some fresh air for baby and me and we might go to the zoo to relax with a picnic. That is if I can get up and get myself moving. What stinks is that my doctor isn't available to ask her what cold medicine I can take now, so I think I will see the doctor tommarow.
I start my new job on Tuesday and I hope I feel a lot better by then. How is everyone else feeling now? I hope everyone is feeling better because being sick is not fun at all.


Stacy said...

Take Monday off and relax. Your boss does not deserve to have you there so take another day and get better before starting your new job.

Being pregnant and sick is no fun. I hope you feel better soon.

Laurie said...

Bummer :( Hope you feel better soon!