Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Home sick

I didn't go to work again today because I'm sick. I actually feel a lot better, but I'm a little achy from all the coughing. Another day home from work can't hurt.

We had our rummage sale this weekend and it went alright. Any money that I have now that I didn't have before is a good thing. It seems like I sold a lot of kids clothes, but I still have a lot left.

Today I finished another onesie order to go to Australia. She order 12 onesies! I didn't realize it when I first checked the order then I checked my Paypal account and thought something must have gone wrong. I guess I better order some more blank onesies today.

Kelly-I forgot to tell you we got the puzzle note. Fred Rion really liked putting it together. He's learning a lot in school. He knew the first line said "Hello all".

It's nice to be home and do nothing. Although I'll probably do some Etsy stuff today and some things around the house.


Kelly said...

I thought they would like the puzzletter. I thought it was cute for them and something different.

Laurie said...

Congrats on the Australia order! Very cool :)

Laurie said...

p.s. hope you feel better :)