Monday, January 28, 2008


Yesterday we set a record high for the day at, I believe, 48 degrees. Now they are forecasting 40 below zero for tonight. Nothing like an almost 90 degree swing in temp. to get your attention. I really don't want to go to work tomorrow. I wish I could stay curled up in bed all day.

Thanks for the pics Kelly. So cute. We do have a Johnny Carinos. So good. The other day I got some really good bread and I had a recipe for some bread dip that reminded me of Johnny Carino's:
Freshly ground black pepper, 8-10 twists of the peppermill. Twist over a small plate. Add 1/4 teaspoon Italian Seasoning. Season to taste with salt. Pour 2 tablespoons olive oil over spices to cover center of plate. Gently swirl plate to moisten spices.

I started working on some of my toddler shirts today. I have about 80 shirts. They take a little longer to complete so I don't know when I'll get those online. I'm going to experiment with pricing and put those a little higher and see how they do. I've been reading a lot about other people's experiences on Etsy. It's given me a lot of good ideas.

I'm just blabbing and I finally remembered what I wanted to tell you. First, Laurie- I bought the new Radiohead cd. You were right, it's very good. I should have probably taken it out of my vehicle tonight. Well, it's in the garage so hopefully all my cds are ok. Second, if any of you have AMC you must watch Mad Men. It is so good. It might be my new favorite show. It's about an ad agency in 1960. Everyone smokes all the time (even the doctor during an exam) and the men are all sexist. It's really good though.

Oh, one other thing. I am now helping with hospitality at MOPS. So I am keeping really busy. I'm having a lot of fun though. So far this has been an excellent year.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

I love that cd! So happy you checked it out, and liked it! :)
I would love to check out Mad Men, but my cable hasn't been working for three weeks........