Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Cordelia pics

I forgot Cordelia can rollover now. She was playing under her toy when I went to help Torii. When I came back Cordelia had rolled over and was kind of wedged in. She thought it was funny. Then Torii had to get in some pictures too.

Monday, February 25, 2008


I didn't have a picture of the kids to post so thought I would post my pic of Mad Men. Still so obsessed.

I didn't think I had any real news, but I guess I do. Today Cordelia rolled over for the first time. Twice. She has been so close, and she finally made it over today. Then she's on her belly and pushing on her arms and kicking with her legs. She wants to crawl so bad so she can go after her big brothers. Or maybe get away from them, I'm not sure.

My business was kind of slowing down and I finally got another onesie on the other night. That helped putting something on because then people look at my other stuff too and guess what? I had an order today. I actually have two to send out tomorrow, but one was from awhile ago, she couldn't get her PayPal to work.

Did you watch the Oscars? I thought it was pretty good. I think the only nominated movie I saw was Ratioulle. There are a bunch I would like to see though. But no time or money.

Friday, February 22, 2008


Today we went swimming at Country Inn Suites. It was Cordelia's first swimming experience. I'm not sure what she thought about it. She was really tired and finally did fall asleep with Auntie Vicki. The boys had a lot of fun swimming. When we first got there, the waterslide and the mushroom weren't on so they had to turn it on. Torii was standing near the mushroom when it went on and suddenly the water came splashing down from the top and it scared him. He wouldn't go under the waterfall from the mushroom at first, but then I took him under it and then there was no stopping him. We stayed in the wading pool for a long time. Then we went down the waterslide a few times. The last time down with Fred Rion was so funny. He was pretending we were a car and he was steering, complete with car sounds. Then Fred Rion discovered he could touch the bottom of the pool where the waterslide ended so he was done with the wading pool at that point. They were pretty tuckered out after swimming. Grandma stopped by to watch for a little bit and then we went to Walmart. Fred Rion was falling asleep in the cart. I thought they would fall asleep in the car on the way home, but they were tired and kept fighting so they kept each other up. When they did settle down for the night, it didn't take long for them to fall asleep.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Total Lunar Eclipse tomorrow!!!
It will be most visible to me, but it looks like North Dakota will get to view it as well. I'm sad to say that it will not hit Idaho :( Sorry Kelly and Brian!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Oh Life.

So here's the picture you guys are probably waiting for...
I get it fixed on friday. If you look closer, I actually have two chipped teeth. The front and the second one on the right side of my face. Tom is now calling me "Gretzsky".

Here is another snow picture for everyone...
This is the side of my car. A snow drift formed on it in a matter of three hours! I don't think it will ever warm up :(

Monday, February 18, 2008

Just a short hello.

Stuffed jackalope. (I thought it was cute).

Coyote or fox heading towards the Elk.

Teton Mountains. :-)

The drive to Jackson.

What a beautiful drive.

Nothing new around here in Spud-Ville. Work for me has been going ok. The only thing I don't like is the hours. I had to work today 5:30am-2:30pm and it's the same for tommorow and then the rest of the week I work 1pm-10pm. I work seven days in a row this schedule so my next day off is Monday. I guess that's retail life and now I remember why I didn't like it. But, it is better than sitting at home all day I guess. One up side to work is now I am getting so many ideas for some projects this summer. I can't wait. I will post my projects when i start them or finish them. It's going to be fun.

Last summer during brian's intership in Idaho falls, he worked with a guy named Rob and he's from the U.K. Rob is in town for this month to visit and work a little at I.N.L. He's working towards his P.H.D in engineering and wants to come to the U.S to work at I.N.L. On sunday we were bored and Rob wanted to go to the Teton Mountains to check out during the snow fall so, we decided to take an hour trip to Jackson Hole, WY and explore a bit. We had a wonderful time and the weather was perfect for a nice drive yesturday. We saw a Elk Refuge and I think we saw more than a thousand in one large field. We also saw which were either coyotes or fox heading towards the Elk and the Elk didn't seem bothered by them. This week Brian and Rob are working on some model rockets to put together and launch this week sometime. Dr. Howe even gave them some of his model rockets to put together so they can launch. What a nice boss he has. Just a bunch of kids. This weekend Brian, Rob and some other guys are going snowmobiling in Yellowstone on a guided trail. I was invited to go as well but, I have to work. Well, I'll post some pics for you and I better get going.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Taking a break

I thought I would take a break from "work" and do some blogging tonight. I work on my kids clothes after everyone goes to bed. I put a couple of things on tonight (only one new one) and got one ready to ship so I'll take a break now.

Happy Valentines Day to everyone. Since I'm at home, working and blogging, you can pretty much guess how my V-Day was. Oh well. Kind of a waste of money anyways.

Fred is actually on his way back from Tenn. so there is a valid reason for my being alone today. He went down there for a funeral. I think he needed to get down there anyway because he gets homesick once in awhile. Work has been getting to him too so maybe this will refresh him. He did sound really good on the phone tonight so I think it did.

This weekend Cordelia is getting baptized. I told mom to tell dad it was on a Sunday since he probably forgot what day church is held on. By the way, Kelly, enjoy your fish Fridays. Ha, ha.

Did you ever read any of the Mr. Men and Little Misses books when you were little? Now they have a cartoon of them on Cartoon Network. It's really good. The boys of course like Mr. Rude because he sticks his tongue and makes noises that sound like farts. I was looking for a pic to post of them and I found the official website. Fred Rion caught me on the site so I had to add it to his favorites. They play Mr. Rude over and over and giggle every time he makes noises.

Guess that's about it from here. Have a good weekend!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Just Cause

I just wanted to post this picture cause it makes me laugh. Wish I could see more Conan, but it airs at 12:30a here :(

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


So I have become obsessed with Jones Soda! I know I stopped drinking pop a long time ago, but I'm back thanks to this company. The soda that I'm drinking right now is the sugar-free black cherry. It is so good!! I could maybe see dad liking this one;) If you feel like trying Jones out, I also like the Root Beer, Berrylemonade, and Strawberry Manilow :) Their root beer is really good from glass bottles if you come across it. They also have different photos on their labels that you can submit. Kind of neat. Check them out: Jones Soda

On another note, the other day at work I had to set up an interview shot for Fox-TV in New York. They uplinked to WGVU for an interview with a Marine, so my camera shot was shown on national television :P Thought it was kind of neat. I also got to listen in on the director in New York. It was pretty interesting. I found out that even in a NY production room things can get a little crazy haha.

Goodbye snow! Hello spring????

Well not much new around here. Work at Lowe's is fun so far. I have met some nice people and some strange people. Today I was able to work on the salesfloor for half of my shift (thank god). I was getting cross eyed being on the training computer. I'm learning alot about paint and how many kinds of paints there are and what certian types of paint to use on certain projects. It's interesting, fun, and sometimes a little mind boggeling. There's so much to know in my department alone and I'm also cross- training in window's & walls. Aaaah. :-) At least its better than sitting at home.
After learning a few things and looking around the store a bit, I'm getting so many ideas for projects that I would like to do. Or people will come to me to ask about thier project, and I think "that's sounds fun, I want to do that!" The only thing I have been doing is making some of my wine corks into a magnet so they can go on my fridge to display. I'm getting many, many ideas for this summer. I can't wait.
Brian is still in Alberqerque for work and he will be back late wednesday night. It sounds like he's having a goodtime and meeting some people.
We are having gorgeous weather here and I can finally see our driveway! Everything is melting and now it's just a slushy mess. In some areas we have some big snowbanks, like in the mall parking lot and now that the snow is melting, the water can't drain fast enough and we are ending up with some big water spots or mini lakes. We are suppose to have another snow storm coming through tonight but I think it's probably going to melt right away with the temps we are getting. I'll try to send some of the nice weather to ND and MI for you. :-) So in the meantime stay warm from what I hear on the news anyway.
Take care.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Playing in the snow

I got this idea from someone else and I guess I was suffering from a little cabin fever today. Since it is too cold out to play for long, we brought the snow inside. I filled the bath tub about half way with snow. The boys had a lot of fun so I have the feeling I will have to do it again some time. They made a huge mess, but it kept them busy for awhile. They still got pretty cold even though we were inside and they had gloves on. I had to eventually run hot water because the snow stayed in there all day.
I just noticed this while looking at the picture. Torii has a shirt with blue camo sleeves and Fred Rion has the blue camo pants.

Friday, February 8, 2008

One more snow picture

Sooo I love when school is in session because I rarely drive. However, there is a down side...

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Another gamer

Now Torii is getting into the video games. I'm impressed by how well he does. He was walking around a level yesterday and he knew exactly where to go. Then he was fighting monsters. He was doing a good job. He always has to go on missions with girls. If there are any guys in the fighting party he has a fit. He likes to fight with girls. Just don't ask him about kissing them.

Warning! Turn down your volume!

Mom and I tried to get some video of Torii screaming. He is afraid of one of Winnie's toys. We always throw it at him or put it in his shirt just to make him mad. I know, we're awful. It's really funny. By the time I got the camera out, he was just screaming because we were laughing. Then Fred Rion got in on the act. So I don't think Torii is scared of it anymore, he just pretends because it gets a reaction.

Don't be startled...

You are on the right page :P

I thought it might be time for a little change. I also thought that a basic layout might be easier to load on *cough* dial up *cough* internet :P :P

We like to post pictures too, so a nice solid background will help them stand out :) The layout might change here and there throughout the week. Also, if you have any pictures of us three sisters together send them to me. Thanks:)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I made my first sale today! I have a onesie going to London. I'm pretty excited. Fred said I should frame my first dollar. I told him payment came through PayPal. Oh well, I'll just have to go to the bank and get a nice new crisp dollar bill. I'm still putting things on. I'm trying to space them out instead of putting them all on at once. Then people will be more likely to run into my things while they are looking through pages of stuff. I bought a bunch more shirts today for a buck each. Now I have to come up with some girl designs too. I bought a sketchbook because I have so many ideas, but I just can't produce them fast enough. I have a corner in the house filled with clothes and all my stuff to make shirts.

Last Friday we went to the St. Mary's carnival. We had a really good time. Did I already post on this? I can't remember. Anyway, we had our usual fun time. The boys really liked the cotton candy. We also parked at the Capitol and took a shuttle over. Fred Rion really enjoyed that. We also met Vicki and Andy there. Vicki really enjoyed holding Cordelia.

Winter in western Michigan

Yup. More snow. Kelly, I fully sympathize with you, and I think we got your blizzard from a few days ago. I had class early today, and then around noon it started to snow really bad, so GVSU cancelled our classes for the evening. This is the second snow day we had this semester... it's insane! Anyways, here are some pictures of the craziness. The photos don't really do it justice because it was snowing ice particles... I've never had to deal this kind of weather until I moved 20 minutes east of a major lake, lol. It doesn't snow here... it rains ice. I think GVSU forgot to leave the winter-weather-part out of their brochure!

I think I lost count of how many snow storms we have had this week and I think we are getting another one on friday. So more and more snow, but what else is new, huh? I don't have many new pictures but I thought I would share a few of our place. The two pictures of fatso are from earlier in the week when I couldn't find her. I was searching all over and I happened to have the camera near so I grabbed it and I heard her meow in the bathroom. I thought I would catch her sleeping in the sink as I usually do, and I have been trying to get her to stay off of the counters, so she knew she was busted. What a Garfield.

Monday, February 4, 2008


I finally got around to getting some pictures ready to post. The pic of Cordelia is from today. She is such a happy baby. The skating pic is from a couple of weekends ago. Torii and the cake is from Super Bowl. I made a football field cake. I ran out of green food coloring so it was a pretty light green field. Oh well. We enjoyed the game a lot. GG came over and watched it with us. I made a bunch of snacks and it was a good time. Towards the end of the game I was holding Cordelia and someone got hit hard, it might have been Tom Brady and both Fred and I went "OHHHHH" when he got hit. I guess we both did it kind of loud because we scared Cordelia and she started crying. Poor girl. It was a very good game. I'm so glad the Giants won.

Friday, February 1, 2008


Today I had my third interview at Lowe's and they hired me as a full-time sales floor associate in the Home Decor section. The pay is resonable and it's full time (more pay than what the Hilton had to offer me). Next week is Orientation and they will call me on Monday to set it up with me. I finally decided to give The Hilton the boot. I have called and emailed several times to ask the manager about training on Monday Feb. 4th and what time it starts. I haven't heard anything from him and it's to the point of being rediculous, and a waste of my time. I have also left a message to the manager at the Hilton about filling out the proper forms to get paid training, ummm, I haven't even done that yet. Suspicious?
Anyhow, the manager at Lowe's asked me several times on what I would do if the Hilton were to call me back for a job. I told them I would tell them no, I have already accepted a full time position at another company. I have tried many times to contact him and if he really would like me to be apart of his team, he would of called sooner. I may have a little dissapointment that I couldn't get in sooner but maybe relieved that I won't be working for a general manager who is so un-effiecient.
So, bottom line. I will starte sometime early next week at Lowe's fulltime and the Hilton can bite me. Ha ha! Oh, and brian's company who is a HUGE contact for the Hilton (from the grapevine) isn't to pleased on how the Hilton has been working and not to sure of they're loyalty. So, they better do some kissing up to INL for business.
Any plans for the superbowl? Brian and I have been invited to Dr. Howe's house for a party. I think I might bring some spinich dip, that's always a big hit. So we will be at Brian's boss's house partying, and some other people I met will be there so it should be a goodtime.
Not much else going on. Talk to you later.