Sunday, February 10, 2008

Playing in the snow

I got this idea from someone else and I guess I was suffering from a little cabin fever today. Since it is too cold out to play for long, we brought the snow inside. I filled the bath tub about half way with snow. The boys had a lot of fun so I have the feeling I will have to do it again some time. They made a huge mess, but it kept them busy for awhile. They still got pretty cold even though we were inside and they had gloves on. I had to eventually run hot water because the snow stayed in there all day.
I just noticed this while looking at the picture. Torii has a shirt with blue camo sleeves and Fred Rion has the blue camo pants.


Kelly said...

That looks fun. They could of made mini snowmen.

Laurie said...

cute idea. For a split second I thought you had the kids washing dishes in the bath tub, lol. Maybe another idea you might want to try out??? :P