Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Goodbye snow! Hello spring????

Well not much new around here. Work at Lowe's is fun so far. I have met some nice people and some strange people. Today I was able to work on the salesfloor for half of my shift (thank god). I was getting cross eyed being on the training computer. I'm learning alot about paint and how many kinds of paints there are and what certian types of paint to use on certain projects. It's interesting, fun, and sometimes a little mind boggeling. There's so much to know in my department alone and I'm also cross- training in window's & walls. Aaaah. :-) At least its better than sitting at home.
After learning a few things and looking around the store a bit, I'm getting so many ideas for projects that I would like to do. Or people will come to me to ask about thier project, and I think "that's sounds fun, I want to do that!" The only thing I have been doing is making some of my wine corks into a magnet so they can go on my fridge to display. I'm getting many, many ideas for this summer. I can't wait.
Brian is still in Alberqerque for work and he will be back late wednesday night. It sounds like he's having a goodtime and meeting some people.
We are having gorgeous weather here and I can finally see our driveway! Everything is melting and now it's just a slushy mess. In some areas we have some big snowbanks, like in the mall parking lot and now that the snow is melting, the water can't drain fast enough and we are ending up with some big water spots or mini lakes. We are suppose to have another snow storm coming through tonight but I think it's probably going to melt right away with the temps we are getting. I'll try to send some of the nice weather to ND and MI for you. :-) So in the meantime stay warm from what I hear on the news anyway.
Take care.


Laurie said...

sounds like it's warming up :D

Stacy said...

There was a lot of computer training when I was at Lowe's. It never stopped. Are you a Jimmie Johnson fan now? He's on the pole Sunday!

It was nice here today, but it sounds like more snow is on the way.

Kelly said...

I was joking with my manager that i may wear a Tony Stewart hat when I work the 6am shift and everyone is half awake. Needless to say he was quick to respond with "You'll be shot on site." he's a cool guy.