Monday, September 15, 2008

Becoming educated, playing in boxes, and working

Hi everyone! I finally have a moment to sit down and type up a little update. I've been pretty busy working the past week plus school, so I've found little time to do much recreationally. Work is good. I got complimented by a few people at work yesterday for being a really good floor director, which made me feel good. One person was the assistant general manager for WGVU too :)

School is flowing nice. I have a good mix of things to learn. Anthropological Theory, Perspectives on Globalization. Audio I, and Scriptwriting. Fun! haha. The readings for my Anthro. classes do get a little overwhelming though. Not only is there a lot of it, some of the readings are extremely dense and sometimes difficult to understand. Oh well, I'm enjoying what I'm learning, which is a good thing. I also have really great professors this semester. If everything goes according to plan, and I stay motivated expect a happy sister in December :D

Eric and I are doing good. He got a new laptop the other day, which was delivered to my apartment because he's in between housing, so he had fun playing with his new toy, and I had fun playing with the boxes :P Can't remember the last time I played in a box HA! We are also on the look out for a tandem bicycle... It's going to be awesome when we find one :P

I'm not looking forward to Wednesday. Sarah Pallin is going to be speaking at the community college in Grand Rapids, which is 3 or 4 blocks from where I live. I expect utter madness. I might stay on campus in Allendale a little bit longer that day. Last week Wednesday there was a movie being filmed 3 blocks from my house, but I didn't find out until two days later. Kind of disappointed, but oh well. The movie is named, The Steam Experiment and stars Val Kilmer.

Not too much else going on... I hope to call everyone soon now that I have a little extra free time. Take care :)

This picture was practically taken in real time... This was taken today as I typed out this entry (thanks Eric). And by real time I mean eastern time. One hour ahead for you central timers and two ahead for you mountaineers :P I'm sitting on the third floor of the library with campus behind me. I like this spot :)


Kelly said...

funny box pic. You're goofy. Sounds like your having some fun while staying busy. I like your other pictures too, very cute. Take care sis and thanks for the update.

Stacy said...

That is a huge box for a laptop! Sounds like you are busy. Did you get Torii's message or did it sound like some crazy person? Very nice pictures.

Laurie said...

The laptop box was actually two boxes in one. I got Torii's message. It was so cute :)