Sunday, September 21, 2008

Our Weekend.

(Brian teaching Victoria the world, and where she will be shipped to next. He said Abu Dhabi was last time so lets see where next. He's so mean.)

Brian and I didn't do much this weekend. It was so nice to just stay home and relax. Right now we are watching the Packer-Cowboy's game. I can't beleive I'm sitting down and actually watching football. It's something to watch, I guess and brian is going for Dallas so I think I will cheer for the cheeseheads.

Brian and I were thinking of going to a movie this weekend but it's so expensive to go and we just decided to rent some old movie's. We rented "Some Like it Hot," with Marilyn Monroe and jack lemmon, "Citizen Kane," with Orson Welles, and "For Whom the Bell Tolls." We really liked to first two movies and I just might ask for them for christmas or just buy them. I really liked "Some Like it Hot." It was really funny. The last movie that we watched was "For Whom the Bell Tolls," and that movie is aweful. It's was really long and dragged out. I didn't even finish it, I went straight to bed and brian stayed up to watch the rest. But, we still went the cheaper way by renting three movies, because it was still cheaper than one ticket at the theater!

Today I was getting caught up on cleaning and getting some errands done. I'm finally feeling so much better and I can actually breath! I don't remember having a cold so bad before. I hope everyone else is getting better or not sick.

Yesturday I wanted to make Kneopla soup so I went to the grocery store and low and behold I happened to look in an odd isle and there was the Knorr Vegtable soup mix packets for spinach dip! And there was only a couple left so I took the rest of them to stock up. I was so excited. I came home and whipped it up really quick and then snacked on that until the soup was done. Yummm.

Well, not much else going on. Pretty boring here. Oh, brian and I will be home for a week over Christmas but not sure the exact date we will leave from here but I will of course let you know.


Stacy said...

You should have been watching the Emmy's. And if he wouldn't let you, just remind him you are carrying his baby. (You are allowed to say that whenever you don't get what you want).

Laurie said...

haha I like the picture. Good choice on movies. Some Like it Hot is one of my favorites. Citizen Kane is really good also. If you liked Some Like it Hot, you should DEFINITELY rent The Great Race. It has Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis as well and it was directed by Blake Edwards who did the Pink Panter series. You guys would LOVE this movie!