Thursday, September 18, 2008

This and that

I wish I had some photos to post, but my digital is giving me problems. I can't get the flash to work right so you'll just have to wait until I get film developed.

This week has just flown by. Last Saturday we went to a birthday party at the Ramkota. Now Rion keeps telling me he wants his birthday there. They have a pretty nice waterslide there. At first the boys were afraid to go, but once they did there was no stopping them. We brought so much stuff with us and Fred told me I didn't need to bring the life jackets but I'm glad I did. Most of the kids there had them on so the boys weren't the only ones. It was just an added comfort when they were coming down the waterslide. Fred caught them at the end, but it was nice to have the life jackets too. Rion took one break from swimming and during that time shoved food down his throat nonstop. The little boy worked up an appetite!

I am feeling much better, but still have a wicked cough. Cordelia and Torii have it as well. It's funny that the kid that goes to school doesn't have it. The cough started for Cordelia on Sunday night. She had a hard time sleeping and I laid on the recliner with her until we both fell asleep. Then my back started to hurt so I put her in the crib, but she woke up. So I took her to bed with me and she slept there. She coughed a lot that night and I didn't get much sleep. I was so tired the next day that I went to sleep at 8:30 that night. And I slept until the alarm went off the next morning.

I've been working on some onesies for Kelly. I like what I've come up with so far. Well, one was Laurie's idea. I think they will turn out really cute.

This weekend is going to be busy. But fun. On Saturday we are going to the pumpkin patch. Then that evening Fred and I are going to a dinner and movie. On Sunday we are having a fundraiser brunch for MOPS. We each are going to make a soup for it so I will have to get up early to do that Sunday. Although I am making an easy crockpot soup. Which now that I think about it, I better go grocery shopping tomorrow. We were also going to go to GG's and pick apples, but between being sick and busy we just haven't gotten to it. She did bring some over yesterday, but she said she had a lot more.


Kelly said...

That sounds like a lot of fun at the the Ramkota. I'm finally getting over my sinus thing too. Seems like it's going around and everyone has it. I still have a wicked cough too and it made me throw up this morning. Anyway, I'm sure the kids will have fun at the pumpkin patch and I want pictures of all them there. :-) I can't wait to see the onsies.

Laurie said...

oooo I miss the pumpkin patch!